Pro Series Radon Detector
The new Pro Series 4 Electronic Radon Gas Detector is a quality product made in the USA that continuously samples the air and plugs into a standard 120-volt household outlet. It displays short- and long-term radon gas concentration levels in (Bq/m³) or pCi/L with an easy-to-read numeric LED-lit display. The detector has multiple alarm modes and a warning icon to alert for high radon readings over 200 Bq/m3. ​​

Radon is a radioactive gas that is colorless, odorless, and tasteless and is impossible to detect without the use of sensitive test equipment.
Radon is a naturally occurring gas produced by the breakdown of uranium in soil, rock, and water. Radon gas rises through the soil and seeps through cracks, holes, and drain pipes in the foundation or basement. When allowed to accumulate at high levels, it can be hazardous to long-term health. Radon is the second cause of lung cancer after cigarette smoking.
The EPA presently suggests that corrective action be taken to reduce the radon levels in your home; If measured over the long term at 4 pCi/L or greater in the USA. Health Canada has established that acceptable levels of radon in the house are not to exceed 200 Bq/m³.

Plugs into a standard 120-volt household outlet
Samples air continuously. Short-term readings show the last 7-day averages and long-term readings show averages from the last reset or up to 5 years
Easy-to-read numeric display LED display shows the level of radon gas in Becquerel per cubic meter (Bq/m³)
Audible alarm sounds for high radon readings over 200 Bq/m3
Quality Made in USA
Every 24 hours, the detector will do a self-test
LCD Display: Shows short- and long-term Radon gas concentration levels.
Short Term: is an average of Radon levels over the past 48 to 168 hours (7days)
Long Term: is an average of Radon levels for the length of time the detector has been on, or last reset, with a maximum of 365 days (1 year).
Audible Alarm: There are 3 audible alarm modes you can select.
ON: When in an alarm state, the buzzer will sound 4 short chirps, repeated hourly until the level drops or the alarm is muted.
Muted for 30 Days: This will mute the audible alarm for 30 days.
Muted for 90 Days: This will mute the audible alarm for 90 days.
Visual Alarm: The LCD screen will display a warning icon that will also flash simultaneously with the radon level that’s in an alarm state.
Backlight: Options to illuminate the display for easy viewing.
Unit of Measure: You can choose either pCi/L or Bq/m3.
Self-test: Detector conducts a failsafe self-test every 24 hours.
Manual Test: A manual test of the detector can also be performed.
Reset: You can clear and reset the memory to begin new tests. This allows you to use the detector in multiple homes or small offices.